Heating and cooling in precision machining parts china treatment:
Cooling is also an indispensable step in the heat treatment process. The cooling method in the precision casting industry varies depending on the casting process and the heat treatment process. It is mainly to control the cooling rate. The cooling rate of the general annealing is the slowest and the cooling rate Faster, quenching the cooling faster. Single also because of different types of steel and have different requirements, such as empty hard steel can be quenched with the same cooling time is hardened.
Heating temperature is one of the important process parameters of the heat treatment process and one of the important process parameters in the precision casting process. Choosing and controlling the heating temperature is an important issue in ensuring the quality of the heat treatment. The heating temperature varies depending on the purpose of the metal material to be treated and the heat treatment, but it is generally heated to above the phase change temperature to obtain a high temperature structure. In addition, it takes some time to change, so when the surface of the metal workpiece reaches the required heating temperature, it is necessary to keep the temperature for a certain time, so that the temperature inside and outside the same, so that microstructure changes completely, this time known as the holding time. The use of high-energy density heating and surface heat treatment, the heating speed is extremely fast, generally there is no holding time, and chemical heat treatment of the insulation time is usually longer.
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